We love working with children from 18 months through young adulthood!

Our Speech Language Pathologists treat the following areas:

  • Expressive and Receptive Language Delays
    • Some children are described as “late talkers” meaning they are delayed in vocabulary acquisition and the development of phrases and/or sentences.
    • Receptive language may also be delayed compared to their peers, when the child has difficulty comprehending speech, following directions, and answering questions.
  • Language Difficulties Related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
    • Children with an ASD diagnosis often have difficulty understanding language and speaking verbally/nonverbally.
    • Social language and play skills are also areas of concern that can be targeted during speech therapy.
  • Articulation Disorders
    • An articulation disorder occurs when a child has difficulty producing certain sounds, which are typically mastered by their age.
  • Phonological Disorders
    • Similar to an articulation disorder, a phonological disorder focuses on a broad pattern of sounds, which are produced in error.
  • Social Communication Disorders
    • These pragmatic problems occur when a child has difficulty understanding and using the social rules for verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
    • CAS is a motor speech disorder, which occurs when the message from our brain does not tell our muscles how and when to move in order to make sounds.
  • Fluency Disorders
    • Stuttering is the most common fluency disorder and occurs when there is an interruption in the flow of speech.