Did you know that our brains are not naturally wired to learn to read as they are to speak? Reading is a process that must be taught. Although most children learn to read once they begin formal schooling, early literacy […]

First Words!
In a recent Facebook post, we discussed how to assist our littles in producing their first words. We wanted to expand on this topic in a blog because it’s just so important! First, let’s talk about milestones. Research shows that […]

COVID-19 In-Office Precautions
In order to keep our clients safe, we have implemented the following in-office precautions. This is a team effort and requires full participation by our staff and all clients/families. If you are not able to maintain these precautions or have […]

Don’t Catch Cabin Fever: Keep it Light with These Fun Speech Activities
Schools are closed, playgrounds are off-limits, and there isn’t enough Wi-Fi to go around. Though, one thing is for sure – our children need to continue to grow and meet their developmental milestones. Speech and language skills are established through […]