Did you know that our brains are not naturally wired to learn to read as they are to speak? Reading is a process that must be taught. Although most children learn to read once they begin formal schooling, early literacy […]

First Words!
In a recent Facebook post, we discussed how to assist our littles in producing their first words. We wanted to expand on this topic in a blog because it’s just so important! First, let’s talk about milestones. Research shows that […]

Welcome to our blog!
Hello STC Family and Friends and welcome to our blog! We’re so excited to have the opportunity to share tips, tricks, and information that you could use to support your child’s growth. But first, let us introduce ourselves and tell […]

COVID-19 In-Office Precautions
In order to keep our clients safe, we have implemented the following in-office precautions. This is a team effort and requires full participation by our staff and all clients/families. If you are not able to maintain these precautions or have […]

Don’t Catch Cabin Fever: Keep it Light with These Fun Speech Activities
Schools are closed, playgrounds are off-limits, and there isn’t enough Wi-Fi to go around. Though, one thing is for sure – our children need to continue to grow and meet their developmental milestones. Speech and language skills are established through […]