At STC we treat adults with a variety of speech, language, and swallowing needs following stroke, concussion, traumatic brain injury, dementia or other neurological impairment.

  • Cognitive Communication Disorders
    • Due to a neurological diagnosis, some patients may experience changes in their memory, attention, language and executive functioning.
  • Aphasia
    • Aphasia is an impairment of language affecting the expression or comprehension of speech.
    • Aphasia is due to brain injury most commonly associated with a stroke.
  • Dysarthria
    • Individuals with dysarthria have a speech disorder caused by muscle weakness.
    • Dysarthria is often characterized by slurred or slow speech that is difficult to understand.
  • Dysphagia
    • Dysphagia is defined as a difficulty swallowing food, liquids, or saliva.
    • Following your swallow test, we can work with you to rehabilitate your swallow while teaching compensation techniques or strategies